Hepatitis B and C viruses, if left untreated, can be dangerously progressed to "cancer."

Health News

07 Mar 2024
Hepatitis B and C viruses, if left untreated, can be dangerously progressed to "cancer."


      Hepatitis B and C viruses are major causes of liver diseases and can lead to liver cirrhosis and cancer. When these viruses enter the body, symptoms may not be severe or clear, leading infected individuals to be unaware of their developing liver inflammation. Patients with hepatitis B and C viruses typically become aware of their condition when undergoing physical examinations that reveal abnormal liver inflammation levels and blood tests detecting infections. Today, we're here to discuss "Hepatitis B and C Virus Infections" with everyone.

  •  Hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through blood, sexual contact, sharing needles, piercing, or various other means. It can also be transmitted from mother to child. Some patients with hepatitis B may experience acute liver inflammation characterized by body aches, loss of appetite, weakness, low-grade fever, nausea, fatigue, yellowing of the skin and eyes, which usually improve within 2-3 weeks. However, if the immune response is not strong enough, chronic inflammation may occur, leading to long-term liver damage and potential complications.
  • Hepatitis C virus can be transmitted through blood or sexual contact similar to hepatitis B but not through casual contact such as coughing, sharing food or drinks, and using utensils together. Patients with hepatitis C may not exhibit symptoms in the early stages and the disease may progress slowly. Symptoms may resemble general illnesses such as fatigue, weakness, or confusion.
  • Most patients with hepatitis B and C are often unaware of their infection due to the lack of symptoms or mild symptoms that they may not pay attention to. Without seeing a doctor or having liver function tests, they may not realize they have chronic liver inflammation until the disease progresses to severe liver damage, leading to the eventual development of liver cancer.

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