Whoever has sensitive teeth, raise your hand! Tips to cure 'sensitive teeth'

Health News

16 May 2023

Whoever has sensitive teeth, raise your hand! Tips to cure 'sensitive teeth'

      Tooth sensitivity is a type of toothache caused by loss of the tooth surface or enamel layer. When a tooth is eroded or damaged, the tooth is worn down, the root canal is damaged, the inner layer of the dentin is exposed to the environment, or the pulp is inflamed. When the nerve part of the tooth that is in the dentin area is unprotected, the tooth can feel sensitive when it is heated or cold to the touch. Today we will take everyone to get to know how sensitive teeth occur, what causes them, what are the treatment methods and methods to prevent sensitive teeth.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

  • Gum recession due to age or improper brushing
  • Acidic drinks that cause enamel erosion and exposure of dentin
  • Teeth grinding, which may cause a tingling sensation.
  • Brushing with toothpaste with a lot of scrubbing, improper brushing, or brushing more than three times a day.
  • Gum disease which may result in gum recession.
  • Chipped or broken teeth may expose dentin.

Tip! Fixing sensitive teeth

  • Using a specially formulated toothpaste that will help reduce tooth sensitivity, containing Strontium chloride and potassium nitrate.
  • Brushing your teeth properly will help prevent enamel abrasion and gum recession.
  • Avoid using a toothbrush with bristles that are too hard as it may wear your teeth.
  • Avoid chewing solids and acidic foods as acids can damage the enamel. This may cause tooth erosion or tooth decay.
  • Use flossing daily to reduce plaque that causes gingivitis, which is the source of problems from gum recession to tooth decay.
  • See a dentist every 6 months to check your dental health and consult about sensitive teeth to diagnose the cause of sensitive teeth.

How to treat sensitive teeth by a dentist

      Finding the cause of tooth sensitivity. Fluoride varnish may be used to strengthen the enamel and dentin around the teeth. In addition, the use of fillings, tooth extractions, crowns, gum disease treatment and root canal treatment are methods of treatment in order of necessity and the degree of severity and cause of tooth sensitivity.

      Tooth sensitivity is something that should not be ignored because it indicates dentin wear, tooth decay, tooth fracture, broken tooth, receding gums, etc. You should consult a dentist to find the cause and treat it. In order to have the least impact on the health of the gums and teeth.


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