How are asthma symptoms and panic symptoms different?

Health News

14 May 2023

How are asthma symptoms and panic symptoms different?

      Many people can hardly tell the difference between asthma symptoms and panic symptoms because they are very similar. So today we come to understand the differences of both symptoms so that it may be beneficial to you and those around you.


Early stage

  • Asthma symptoms Acute asthma attacks are characterized by asthma attacks that last for several minutes and may last for several days.
  • Panic symptoms An acute panic attack can become severe within 10 minutes and can be life threatening.



  • Asthma symptoms Chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing sound when breathing
  • Panic symptoms Tightness or chest pain, shortness of breath, elevated body temperature until the face is hot and red, sweating, trembling, irregular heartbeat, abdominal pain, nausea, feeling lightheaded, feeling emotionally and physically unconscious, numbness in the fingers and feet, and may feel like they are dying or are afraid of dying


Factors provoking symptoms

  • Asthma symptoms environment, allergies (e.g. smoke smell, polluted air dust or mold), strenuous exercise and stress.
  • Panic symptoms Stress or anxiety

      When stress and anxiety are triggered, they can trigger a flare-up at the same time. Therefore, self-observation is an important part of helping doctors analyze symptoms and design the most appropriate and effective treatment for each patient.


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