RSV virus, dangerous in rainy season.

Health News

16 Aug 2022
RSV virus, dangerous in rainy season.
      RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is a virus that causes severe respiratory disease, especially bronchitis and pneumonia. Outbreaks in the late rainy season, early winter or during the weather change. RSV is transmitted through droplets, secretions, mucus, saliva, through coughing, sneezing, and direct contact.
  • Symptom : Initially similar to the common cold (fever, cough, sneeze). But suspected of being infected with RSV when coughing with sticky sputum, coughing up a lot of vomiting, rapid and heavy breathing, difficulty breathing or wheezing.
  • Groups at risk of RSV infection : Children, Elderly, Immunocompromised patients, Congenital heart disease group and Premature baby.
  • RSV detection : Screening by smearing the nasal secretions (Nasal swab) is commonly used for a quick test (RSV rapid test).
  • Treatment : Palliative treatments are available, nebulization and using other drugs as well.
  • Complications that may follow after RSV infection : Even if cured, there is a chance of recurrence. Children often have bronchospasm, this makes them difficult to breathe and increases the risk of asthma.

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