PM 2.5, an important source of "skin allergy"

Health News

02 May 2023

PM 2.5, an important source of "skin allergy"

      PM 2.5 Pollution in the air is an increasingly common problem worldwide and is becoming a major problem for Thailand. It was found that the particulate matter was found to be smaller than the standard in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Which is an important source of skin allergies because the skin is an organ that covers our body and acts as the first line of defense against harmful bacteria, viruses and pollution. Here is warning signs of symptoms. 'Skin Allergies' for everyone.

  • Red, dry, scaly rash
  •  Itching collapses intermittently.
  • If it's chronic, the skin will be thick and have dark spots.
  • itching more when sweating
  • The more you scratch, the more itchy.

      Research on the effect of PM 2.5 pollution dust that can directly destroy human orphan skin cells. It can cause more inflammation of the skin, especially in people with existing skin diseases such as skin allergies. There will be more irritation, more itching, more recurrent rashes. Therefore, it is important and necessary to protect the skin from exposure to such dust as little as possible.


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