How to eat to avoid chronic disease?

Health News

09 Jun 2022
How to eat to avoid chronic disease?
      Food is one of the key factors affecting short-term health and long-term health. Eating bad food on a regular basis. It is an important starting point for chronic non-communicable diseases. Here is the types of food that should not be eaten if you don't want to have a chronic disease.
  • Super-sweet foods :
    Consistently eating very sweet foods or beverages will lead to too much sugar in your body, causing your body to lose control over sugar. Observed from the excreted urine with ants. That indicates the body has too much sugar until it can’t be excreated. These sugars are converted to triglycerides. Resulting in obesity, this increases the risk of heart disease, kidney
  • Super-salty foods :
    Consistently eating salty foods or beverages can lead to too much salt in your body, increasing your risk of high blood pressure, kidney disease, vascular disease, osteoporosis and stomach cancer.
  • Super-fatty foods :
    Consistently consuming fatty foods or beverages will cause the body to accumulate fat on internal organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys, causing the organs to become inflamed, leading to disease progression, such as liver cancer, ischemic heart disease, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and stroke.
  • Consuming alcohol :
    Consistently drinking alcohol can affect the cardiovascular system causing high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, stroke and paralysis.

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