Pterygium is treatable. Do not leave it until the eyes are blurred.

Health News

22 Nov 2022

Pterygium is treatable. Do not leave it until the eyes are blurred.

      Pterygium is a condition with the conjunctiva is a red membrane extending into the black eye. They usually found in the head of the eye rather than the tail of the eye. The pterygium will gradually spreads into the black eyes. Pterygium is associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which is is often found in people living in hot weather, work or daily use outdoors with windy, dusty conditions, smoke and sand.
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Most of the symptoms that are found

  • conjunctivitis
  • Eye irritation
  • Itchy eyes
  • Blurry vision
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      Pterygium with mild symptoms may receive eye drops to reduce inflammation and irritation. But they cannot cure pterygium. If pterygium has too much symptoms that it affects vision. it’s important to have pterygium peeling surgery.

  • Pterygium peeling is the removal of the sclera and black eye coverings. This method of stripping will be result in high recurrence.
  • Pterygium peeling and growing tissue at the peeling area The tissue transplanted may be tissue from the placenta or the conjunctiva of the patient's own eye.
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