9 taboos you must know before having a Thai massage

Health News

15 Mar 2023

9 taboos you must know before having a Thai massage

      Thai massage is a way to take care of your physical and mental health, helping you relax and recover from exhaustion or fatigue from work. Some types of spa services are about beauty, such as facial massage for skin care.

Here is 9 taboos that must be known before going for a Thai massage to prevent harm from massage.

  • People who are injured or bruised from exercising may cause blood clots to clog important organs.
  • The patient has a fever over 38.5 degrees celsius or symptoms from acute infectious disease because it may aggravate the condition.
  • People with serious congenital diseases such as heart disease, vascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, venous disease. Patients with these diseases cannot go to Thai massage.
  • Patients with metastatic cancer should not do Thai massage because it may stimulate cancer cells to spread quickly.
  • Osteoporosis patients can cause broken bones.
  • Pregnant or menstruating women may affect pregnancy or menstruation more than usual.
  • Patients with blood clotting problems because massage will increase blood circulation.
  • In case of skin disease because it can spread the infection to the massage therapist.
  • In case there is a wound on the body because it may cause the wound to become inflamed.



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