8 things to do after “tooth extraction”

Health News

11 Nov 2022

8 things to do after “tooth extraction”

      For many individuals who are afraid of dentists, getting their teeth pulled at a dental office might be a nightmare. However, a nightmare can be worse. If care is not done to maintain optimum oral health following tooth extraction. It’s important to take good care of your dental health since infections might happen, especially after tooth extraction or oral surgery. There are several oral incisions and post-tooth extraction procedures available nowadays for everyone.

  • Keeping the gauze still at the wound for 30-60 minutes after tooth extraction or surgery. 
  • After surgery, cover the mouth with ice for 48 to 72 hours. Area for tooth extraction or the operating room
  • For the first 24 hours, avoid using a strong mouthwash. After that, use a mouthwash or warm saline solution.
  • As normal, brushing your teeth and floss. Just take extra care near the wound.
  • If you have pain, you can get be taken paracetamol with 1 tablet at a time.
  • Don't ever use your fingers. Toothpicks should not be sucked; they are for treating the wound area.
  • For the first few days, avoid vigorous activity, but you can carry on with your regular everyday activities.
  • For 5-7 days, eat only soft food and stay away from spicy, hot, cold, and harsh meals.
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